Tue, 12/09/2023
08:45 - 09:00
08:45 - 09:00
Chaired by:
Prof. Giuseppe Catalanotti
(Kore University Enna)
Locking-free shell finite element, nonlocal approaches for architected structures, and fracture in solids
J. Reddy -
The phase field fracture method and its application for predicting the failure of composite materials
E. Martinez-Pañeda -
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Chaired by:
Prof. Kamran Nikbin
(Imperial College London)
Finite Element Modelling for Stress Identification in Microscale In-Situ Computed Tomography Tensile Specimens
C. Breite , L. Gorbatikh , S. Lomov , Y. Swolfs -
Low Cost Analysis of Industrially Representative Composite Defects for Propeller Design
J. Trevarthen , H. Baid -
Structural design and mechanical performance analysis of a full-scale 3D-printed bridge deck using GENOA 3DP Virtual Simulation Tool
L. Stepinac , A. Cantarutti , H. Baid , J. Galić -
A methodology to compute the knock down factors due to the presence of manufacturing defects using high fidelity models
A. Turon , O. Vallmajó , S. Abdel-Monsef , S. Medina , J. Ejarque , G. Guillamet , A. Sasikumar -
Numerical simulation of thermoplastic composite materials: from raw material to structural performance
R. Tavares , J. Chevalier , B. Jovas , F. Lani -
Virtual manufacturing of thick composite beams, investigating cure cycle and shrinkage induced stress
J. Vroon , N. van Hoorn
Chaired by:
Dr. Emilio V. González
(Universitat de Girona)
Dr. Laura Carreras
(University of Girona)
Modelling of High-Velocity Impact-Driven Delamination in Large-Scale Tapered Laminates
J. Selvaraj , L. Kawashita , S. Hallett -
A mode I-II-III decomposed cohesive zone model for 3D simulation of delamination propagation in laminated composite materials
L. Carreras , D. Kandeel , O. Adesina , J. Renart , B. Bak , S. Jensen , E. Lindgaard , A. Turon -
Modelling of Delaminated Sandwich Structures Satisfying Every Dynamical Boundary and Continuity Condition
B. Hauck , A. Szekrényes -
Modelling Delamination Initiation and Propagation under Fatigue Loading through an ANSYS User-defined Cohesive Element
I. Urcelay Oca , B. Bak , E. Lindgaard , A. Strandbygaard , N. Rojo Saiz -
Numerical and Experimental Methods for the Identification of Interlaminar Properties in LSI Manufactured C/SiC Composite
M. Riva , A. Airoldi , A. Caporale , L. Cavalli , M. De Stefano Fumo -
Structural cohesive element for the modelling of delamination between thin shells without cohesive zone limit
X. Ai , B. Chen , C. Kassapoglou
Chaired by:
Dr. Martin Hirsekorn
Prof. Heinz Pettermann
(TU Wien)
Machine Learning Approaches For Multi-scale Modelling of Composites with Complex Architectures
B. El Said -
Machine Learning of Evolving Material Models for Multiscale Analysis of Fiber-reinforced Composites
I. Rocha , P. Kerfriden , F. van der Meer -
Multi-scale modeling of thermal expansion and chemical shrinkage in viscoelastic composites during the curing process
M. Hirsekorn , L. Marcin , T. Godon -
Molecular dynamics modeling of deformation and damage behaviour of main structural components of NiAl-Al2O3 composite
M. Maździarz , S. Nosewicz -
Numerical Investigations of the Mechanical Behavior of GFRP Strut-Reinforced Foam Core Sandwich Panels
I. Skrna-Jakl -
Data-driven statistical method for the multiscale characterization and modelling of fibre-reinforced composites
A. Ciampaglia , G. Belingardi , D. Paolino
Chaired by:
Dr. Stephanie Miot
(IRT Saint Exupery)
Prof. Carolina Furtado
(University of Porto)
Comparison between Numerical Simulations and Experimental Observations of the Mechanical Effects of Out-of-Plane Waviness Defect Embedded in Composite Laminates under Compression
C. Fougerouse , M. Hirsekorn , C. Fagiano , F. Laurin , M. Desailloud , M. Herman -
Bearing/Pull-through Failure Envelope of Composite Joints: Novel Experimental Setup and Numerical Validation
C. Furtado , R. Pinto , A. Volpi , F. Danzi , G. Catalanotti , F. Queirós de Melo , P. Camanho -
Demonstrating the credibility of composite simulation
S. Miot , L. Barriere , S. Guinard , J. Navarro , A. Chiappini -
Maritime applications of fibre reinforced polymer composites
Z. Ullah , M. Burhan , S. Millen , T. Scalici , L. Wan , G. Catalanotti , B. Falzon -
Validation of Composite Pressure Vessels Modelling Methodology Using 2D-shell Elements at Coupon Level
M. Bruyneel , A. Rajaneesh , T. Watanabe , Y. Urushiyama , Y. Tsuchiyama
Chaired by:
Dr. Albert Turon
(Universitat de Girona)
Delamination Behavior of Impacted L-Shape Composite Laminates under Cyclic Loading
K. Anam , M. Todt , H. Pettermann -
Progressive Damage in thin 2D Woven CFRP Laminates due to Stress Concentrations at Free Edges and Notches
L. Heinzlmeier , S. Sieberer , T. Wolfsgruber , C. Kralovec , M. Schagerl -
On the numerical study of debonding in laminated composites through a homogenization theory
A. Taherzadeh Fard , A. Cornejo , S. Jiménez , L. Barbu -
Numerical Investigation of Delamination in Highly Tapered Laminates
F. Ergin , A. Kayran -
A three-dimensional Finite Fracture Mechanics model for predicting free edge delamination
M. Burhan , T. Scalici , Z. Ullah , Z. Kazancı , B. Falzon , G. Catalanotti
Chaired by:
Prof. Xavier Oliver
(International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE))
Prof. Martin Fagerström
(Chalmers University of Technology)
Multi-scale framework for shear-deformable shell elements - application to the delamination analysis of composites
A. Hii , B. El Said , S. Hallett -
Thermal aggression of a carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic laminate: experiments-based thermomechanical modelling up to polymer decomposition
D. Philippe , B. Vieille , F. Barbe -
Modelling damage in composites using shell-based computational homogenisation and immersogeometric analysis
E. Börjesson , C. Verhoosel , J. Remmers , F. Larsson , M. Fagerström -
A novel multiscale approach for efficient 2D non-linear modelling of laminate composites
X. Oliver , P. Wierna , D. Yago , O. Loberas , A. Huespe -
Meso and macroscale thermomechanical modeling of 3D carbon/carbon composites
A. Portal , G. Couégnat , F. Guillet
Chaired by:
Prof. Yentl Swolfs
(KU Leuven)
Towards fitting material parameters of fibre-reinforced polymers through image analysis and micro-mechanical simulations
E. Rios , C. Breite , M. Mehdikhani , M. Diehl , Y. Swolfs -
Adapting concrete experimental measurements in a FEM simulation for the development of a novel orthopaedic shoe.
J. Finder , H. Möllers , C. Schmidt , S. Heimbs -
Determination of a representative microstructure of a full composite pressure vessel using X-ray computed tomography
S. Upadhyay , M. Mehdikhani , S. V. Lomov , D. Vandepitte , Y. Swolfs -
Numerical and Experimental Study of a Butt-Joint Thermoplastic Composite Multi-Stringer Panel Under Compression
A. Pereira , I. Lippers , J. Waleson , J. van Ingen , S. Turteltaub , C. Bisagni -
Quantitative defects evaluation in composite materials by means of non-destructive Thermographic techniques supported by numerical simulations
S. Riaz , G. Dell'Avvocato , D. Palumbo , M. Cinefra , U. Galietti -
Application of the Phase Field and Cohesive Zone Model to simulate the unfolding failure in curved composite laminates
S. Bushpalli , E. Graciani , B. López-Romano
Chaired by:
Prof. Endel Iarve
(University of Texas at Arlington)
Prof. Francesco Parrinello
(University of Palermo)
Adaptive Virtual Element Method for damage modelling in heterogeneous materials
M. Lo Cascio , A. Milazzo , I. Benedetti -
Extension of the Regularized Extended Finite Element Method to high density arbitrary interacting crack networks
E. Iarve , E. Zhou , D. Mollenhauer -
On the Importance of Fibre Direction Mesh Alignment for Artificial Lightning Strike Simulations
B. Nagavel , S. Millen , A. Murphy -
Accurate Stress Fields in Composite Ply-Drops Using Variable Kinematics Wedge Element
S. van den Broek , P. Greaves , P. Weaver , A. Pirrera -
Cohesive crack propagation analysis by the hybrid equilibrium element formulation and element side rotation
F. Parrinello , G. Borino
Chaired by:
Prof. Clara Schuecker
(Montanuniversität Leoben)
Reliable Computation of Microscopic Solutions in Numerical Homogenization Context for Static Heat Conduction with Heterogeneous Heat Generation
L. Belgrand , I. Ramière , R. Largenton , F. Lebon -
Modelling anisotropic viscoelasticity of fibre-reinforced polymer laminates for general loading conditions
C. Moser , M. Pletz , C. Schuecker -
Multi-fidelity data-driven modelling of non-linear behaviour of woven composites
E. Ghane , M. Fagerström , M. Mirkhalaf -
Predictive Modelling of the Elastic Properties of 3D Printed Short Fibre Reinforced Polymers
A. Canegrati , L. Martulli , Z. Mancassola , M. Kostovic , G. Rollo , A. Sorrentino , M. Carboni , A. Bernasconi -
Micromechanical Homogenization Methods of Short Glass Fiber-reinforced Injection-molded Bio-based Composite Material
O. Schwahofer , F. Otero , P. Camanho , K. Drechsler -
AI prediction of the architecture of 3d textile fabrics
A. Koptelov , B. El Said , A. Thompson , S. Hallett
Tue, 12/09/2023
19:00 - 20:30
19:00 - 20:30
Chaired by:
Prof. Heinz Pettermann
(TU Wien)
Prof. Pedro Camanho
Chaired by:
Dr. Federico Danzi
Phase-field modeling of temperature, moisture and rate-dependent fracture behavior of polymer nanocomposites at finite deformation
B. Arash , R. Rolfes -
A finite strain approach to model intralaminar failure mechanisms in fibre-reinforced polymers
I. Rodrigues Lopes , F. Danzi , A. Arteiro , F. Andrade Pires , P. Camanho -
Damage and plasticity models for 3D printed materials
E. Monaldo , D. Linardi , S. Marfia -
Predicting material damage with support vector machines: a methodology and comparison of classically and quantum-computed kernels
G. Tosti Balducci , B. Chen , M. Möller -
An enhanced 3D elastoplastic-damage constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials
I. R. Cózar , F. Otero , P. Maimí , E. V. González , A. Turon , P. P. Camanho -
Impact damage modelling in composite laminates – numerical implementation of a strain rate dependent damage model
D. Ivančević , J. Ratković
Chaired by:
(University of Pisa)
Prof. Marino Quaresimin
(University of Padova)
Full-Scale Fatigue Test of a Composite Tidal Blade
S. Lopez Dubon , C. Vogel , D. Garcia Cava , C. O'Bradaigh , E. McCarthy -
Static and Fatigue Testing for evaluating Damage Tolerance performance of an Out Of Autoclave – Liquid Resin Infused Carbon-Epoxy Curved Stiffened Panel
D. Fanteria , L. Boni , F. Romano -
Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Models for Variable Amplitude Loading: Novel Model Formulation, FE Implementation, and Benchmark Experiment
S. Jensen , L. Carreras , B. Bak , C. Lequesne , H. Xiong , E. Lindgaard -
Modelling crack-induced delamination in composite laminates subjected to fatigue loadings.
L. Maragoni , P. Carraro , M. Simonetto , M. Quaresimin -
Mode I Experimental and numerical analysis of the interlaminar fatigue behaviour of thermoplastic composites considering R-curve effects
I. Leciñana , J. Renart , A. Turon , J. Zurbitu , J. Manterola , L. Carreras , B. Tijs -
Innovative ultrasonic tests for the Very-High-Cycle Fatigue characterization of a carbon fiber woven fabric
C. Boursier Niutta , A. Tridello , D. Paolino
Chaired by:
Prof. Stepan Lomov
(KU Leuven)
Causes and symptoms of the absence of the bundle size effect in the Fibre-Element-Imposed Impregnated Fibre Bundle Model
S. Lomov , C. Breite , Y. Swolfs , S. Abaimov -
Prediction of Non-linear Response of Multiphase Composite Microstructures through Deep Learning of Reduced Structure-Response Data
D. Biswas , G. Ammasai Sengodan , S. A. Ponnusami -
On the development of a simulation approach for modelling cellulosic foams as a core-material for lightweight bio-based sandwich panels
M. Wagner , G. Baumann , Q. Jiang , N. Debabeche , T. Nypelö , S. Spirk , U. Hirn , W. Bauer , F. Feist -
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the Behaviour Mechanical of Green Sandwich Panels
F. Bongiorno , C. Militello , B. Zuccarello -
Individual fibre segmentation from time-resolved computed tomography images of fibre-reinforced composites using deep learning
R. Guo , C. Breite , J. Stubbe , Y. Zhang , C. Rojas Gomez , M. Mehdikhani , P. Villanueva-Perez , Y. Swolfs -
Generating micromechanics-based data for elastic short fibre composites using generative adversarial networks
M. Mirkhalaf , C. Verhoeven , E. Ghane
Chaired by:
Prof. Umberto Galietti
(Politecnico di Bari)
Prof. Giuseppe Pitarresi
(Università degli Studi di Palermo)
SHM system for bonding line monitoring of composite wing box skin-spar cap during manufacturing
M. Ciminello , A. Concilio , U. Mercurio , G. Apuleo -
On Planar Gradient Acoustic Impedance matching for Guided Ultrasonic Wave detection in SHM systems with Embedded Sensors
M. Rottmann , W. Weber -
Development of a self-sensing composite laminate based on PZT nanofibers for impact localization
T. Brugo , G. Selleri , G. Selleri , F. Mongioi , E. Maccaferri , F. Zonzini , L. De Marchi , A. Zucchelli , M. Focarete , D. Fabiani -
Structural Health Monitoring of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
C. Garcia Pariente , A. Alvarez de Castro -
Tensile Testing of Pinned Hybrid CFRP/Titanium Joints and Damage Monitoring with Electrical Resistance Measurements
A. Dengg , C. Kralovec , M. Schagerl -
Novel approach to the crack density estimation: experimental measurements using IRT for validating analytical models
R. De Finis , D. Palumbo , U. Galietti
Chaired by:
Prof. Heinz Pettermann
(TU Wien)
Dr. Luiz Kawashita
(University of Bristol)
On and Off-Axis Cyclic Behaviour of 3D-Woven Composites: Experimental Testing and Macroscale Modelling
C. Oddy , M. Song , C. Stewart , B. El Said , M. Ekh , S. Hallett , M. Fagerström -
A coupled experimental and numerical method to determine the fracture toughness
D. Ma , P. Verleysen , M. Giglio , A. Manes -
Damage Mechanism Analysis of QI Carbon/Glass Hybrid Laminates Subjected to Quasi-static Indentation Using Axisymmetric Model
A. Chen , X. Wu , L. Kawashita , M. Wisnom -
Computationally Efficient Postbuckling Analysis of Shear Deformable Laminates
J. Schilling , C. Mittelstedt -
Lévy-type buckling analysis of shear deformable unsymmetrically laminated plates with rotational restraints
P. Schreiber , C. Mittelstedt
Chaired by:
Dr. Emilio V. González
(Universitat de Girona)
Application of Model-based Design Approach on Dynamic Tensile Testing of Carbon/Epoxy Composites at Intermediate Strain Rates
S. Yoo , E. Kim , N. Toso , H. Voggenreiter -
Performance Evaluation of Triangular and Quadrilateral Flat Shell Elements based on Refined Zigzag Theory for Static and Modal Analysis of Multi-layered and Curved Composite and Sandwich Structures
D. Spinazzola , G. Credo , M. Gherlone -
Methods for dynamic testing of polymer-based composite materials
E. González , J. Artero-Guerrero , J. González , E. De Blanpré , V. Jacques -
Finite Element Modal Analysis for Composite and Stiffened Beam Structures with Geometric Non-Linearities
C. Patuelli , G. Frulla , E. Cestino -
Strength Prediction for Multidirectional Open-Hole Composite Laminates under Dynamic Loading
M. Toenjes , G. Catalanotti , H. Koerber , C. Pohl , K. Drechsler
Chaired by:
Dr. Joris Remmers
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
A mean field homogenization model for fiber reinforced composite materials in large deformation
A. Li , J. Remmers , H. van Dommelen , M. Geers , T. Massart -
Stress Relaxation of a Unidirectional Composite: a Modelling Study
C. Breite , V. Feyen , L. Gorbatikh , S. V. Lomov , Y. Swolfs -
Microscale Modeling of Creep Rupture in Unidirectional Composites under Off-axis Loading
D. Kovačević , F. van der Meer -
A numerical study into the rate-dependent failure behaviour of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polyvinylidene fluoride
T. Lenders , J. Remmers , T. Pini , P. Veenstra , L. Govaert , M. Geers -
Numerical Simulation of the Fatigue Damage Growth in Unidirectional Composites based on Fibre-Matrix Debonding
A. Seidel , B. Sørensen , K. Drechsler
Chaired by:
Dr. Pietro Russo
Thermo-mechanical FE analysis of a composite liquid hydrogen storage system for aerospace applications
S. Valvano , A. Maligno -
Free Vibration Analysis of Thermally Prestressed Constant and Variable Stiffness Laminated Beams using Strong Unified Formulation
S. Ojo , G. Zucco , P. Weaver -
Manufacturing and characterization of Polyamide 11/Basalt twill fibre fabric laminates
I. Papa , F. Napolitano , V. Lopresto , T. Valente , P. Russo -
Evaluation of Bend-Twist Coupling in Shape Memory Alloy Integrated Fiber Rubber Composites
A. Annadata , A. Endesfelder , M. Koenigsdorf , J. Mersch , T. Gereke , M. Zimmermann , C. Cherif -
Investigating the energy absorption capabilities of novel composite materials
P. Campos , D. Dalli , A. Arteiro , F. Danzi , D. Moreira , V. Lobão , L. Vigna , A. Calzolari , I. Lopes -
Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Non-Adiabatic Effects in Thermoelastic Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates
R. Cappello , J. Dulieu-Barton , R. Ruiz-Iglesias , G. Pitarresi , G. Catalanotti
Chaired by:
Prof. Heinz Pettermann
(TU Wien)
Robust design of very large composite structures
R. Costa , S. Pinho -
On the Analytical Modelling, Global Optimization and Experimental Investigation of the Free-Edge Effect in Composite Laminated Shells
A. Kappel , C. Mittelstedt -
Quantum Optimization of Composite Laminates for Stacking Sequence Retrieval
A. Wulff , B. Chen , M. Steinberg , Y. Tang , M. Möller , S. Feld -
Assessing the Effect of Material Inter- and Autocorrelation on Composite Structure Reliability
B. Van Bavel , D. Vandepitte , D. Moens -
Analysis of Cure Behaviour Uncertainties in Thermoset Composite Parts using Particle Filter
A. Balaji , C. Sbarufatti , D. Dumas , O. Pierard , F. Cadini
Chaired by:
Dr. Federico Danzi
Prof. Fermin Otero
Thermoelastic Micromechanical Analysis of CFRP with Voids
M. Trombini , R. Masia , A. Pagani , M. Petrolo , E. Carrera -
Data-driven microstructure-generator for high-fidelity analyses of unidirectional composite laminates
F. Danzi , R. Silva , C. Furtado , I. Rodrigues Lopes , R. Tavares , D. Fanteria , P. Camanho -
Effect of the matrix softening behaviour on local stress concentration factors in unidirectional fibre-reinforced composites: a numerical analysis
C. Rojas , S. Lomov , Y. Swolfs -
Transverse crack patterns in cross-ply laminates from micromechanical analysis using Phase-Field fracture.
J. Macias , A. Arteiro , F. Otero , P. Camanho , I. García , J. Reinoso
Wed, 13/09/2023
19:00 - 20:30
19:00 - 20:30
Chaired by:
Dr. Frans van der Meer
(Delft University of Technology)
Mr. Andrea Cantarutti
Novel Design of Experiments to Simulate Impact Damage in Glass Fibre Pipe Under Internal Pressure
H. Alhashmy , M. Abadi , A. Hijles , F. Waluyo -
Computational Modeling of Progressive Failure in Composite Laminates Under High-Cycle Fatigue Loading
P. Hofman , F. van der Meer , L. Sluys -
An assessment on the effect of draping of 3D woven composites utilising a numerical and empirical material characterisation approach
I. Topalidis , B. El Said , A. Thompson , J. Keulen , S. Hallett -
Development of a Progressive Fracture Method to Predict Crack Arrest in Large Scale Composite Thermoplastic Fuselage Panels.
N. van Hoorn , W. van den Brink , B. Tijs , J. Waleson , J. Docter , J. van Ingen -
Numerical Analysis using GENOA software to obtain Composite Allowables for an aeronautical composite material
R. Conte , S. Russo , B. Gambino
Chaired by:
Dr. Bas Tijs
(Fokker/GKN Aerospace)
Mr. Andrea Cantarutti
Measuring Cracks in Welded Thermoplastic Composite Single-lap Shear Joints with Digital Image Correlation
A. Schiller , C. Bisagni -
Controlling Failure of Carbon-fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Structures via Structural Fuses
E. Kazemi , V. Medeau , E. Greenhalgh , S. Pimenta , J. Finlayson , S. Pinho -
Conduction Welding the Next-Generation Thermoplastic Composite Fuselage: Fracture Toughness Characterization and Numerical Analysis
B. Tijs , A. Turon , S. Esteban , C. Bisagni -
Size Scale Effects in Fiber-Reinforced composites using phase field
P. Asur Vijaya Kumar , A. Dean , H. Pettermann -
Phase Field Fracture Modelling of 3D Printed Materials: an Anisotropic Analysis
S. Sangaletti , A. Mitrou , I. Garcia Garcia , A. Arteiro
Chaired by:
Prof. Fermin Otero
Multiscale modeling of structures via a localized hyperreduced-order method
J. HERNÁNDEZ , A. Giuliodori , E. Soudah -
Approaches for Modelling the Mechanical Behaviour of Lithium-Ion Cells and the Application of Machine Learning Techniques within Numerical Simulation
A. Schmid , A. Pasquale , C. Ellersdorfer , F. Chinesta , M. Ziane , M. Raffler , F. Feist -
Efficient Nonlinear Multiscale Spectral GFEM Applied to Composite Aerospace Structures
J. BÉNÉZECH , L. Seelinger , A. Reinarz , T. Dodwell , R. Butler , R. Scheichl -
Physically recurrent neural networks for microscale analysis of rate-dependent off-axis unidirectional laminates
M. Maia , I. Rocha , F. van der Meer -
Definition of Shell Reduced Order Models for the analysis of large reinforced composite structures
F. Turon , F. Otero , X. Martinez
Chaired by:
Prof. Yentl Swolfs
(KU Leuven)
Segmentation Tools for Delineating the Profiles of Pulled-out Fibre Bundles in In-Situ Tomograms of Translaminar Fracture of Thin-Ply Composites
S. AhmadvashAghbash , C. Rojas Gomez , G. Broggi , A. Aydemir , A. Argyropoulos , J. Cugnoni , V. Michaud , M. Mehdikhani , Y. Swolfs -
A 3D Damage Model for Simulating Damage Modes in Fibre Metal Laminates
I. Abuzayed , N. Wirawan , C. Zhang , J. Curiel Sosa -
Characterising and Predicting Failure of Injection-moulded Short-fibre Composite Subcomponents
Y. Fujita , S. Noda , J. Takahashi , E. Greenhalgh , S. Pimenta -
Short glass fiber reinforced polymers: a phase-field model for the multiscale analysis of fracture
A. Fajardo Lacave , F. Welschinger , L. De Lorenzis -
Electro-Mechanical Modelling of Fracture in Carbon Nanotube Based Composites
L. Quinteros , E. García-Macías , E. Martinez-Pañeda -
Off-axis Strength Predictions for Multidirectional Thin-ply Laminates
A. Mitrou , A. Arteiro , J. Reinoso , P. Camanho
Chaired by:
Prof. Flavia Libonati
(University of Genoa)
Thermal Residual Stresses Effect in Functionally Graded Metal Matrix Composite – Experiment and Simulation
W. Węglewski , M. Basista , K. Bochenek , J. Capek -
Development and modeling of a self-sensing composite laminate interleaved with piezoelectric nanofibers and CFRP electrodes.
F. Mongioì , T. Brugo , G. Selleri , E. Maccaferri , A. Zucchelli , D. Fabiani , L. Mazzocchetti -
Hierarchical toughening of epoxy using thermoplastic multilayers
U. Farooq , J. Teuwen , C. Dransfeld -
Investigation into the Manufacture of Hybrid Wear Resistant Forging Tools using Tailored Forming Technology
M. Till -
Advanced fiber composites: towards recyclable bio-inspired composites
F. Libonati , A. Stagni -
Embedded FBG Sensors in Additively Manufactured Polylactide Composites Reinforced with Continuous Fibers
P. Pawlowski , A. Orlowska-Galezia , C. Graczykowski , M. Mieloszyk
Chaired by:
Prof. Enrico Cestino
(Politecnico di Torino)
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Surface Coating on Ceramic Matrix Composites using Thermographic Techniques
F. Di Carolo , G. Santonicola , F. Ancona , D. Palumbo , U. Galietti , C. Toscano , M. De Stefano Fumo , M. De Cesare -
Multiscale investigation of mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered Ni-SiC composites
M. Chmielewski , A. Strojny-Nędza , K. Kaszyca , K. Kowiorski , P. Jenczyk , D. Jarząbek , P. Bazarnik , Z. Pakieła , B. Romelczyk-Baishya , S. Nosewicz -
Synthesis and characterization of the spark plasma sintered copper-diamond composites
A. Strojny-Nędza , M. Chmielewski , R. Zybała , K. Kaszyca , A. Gajewska-Midziałek , B. Romelczyk-Baishya , S. Nosewicz -
A novel nacre-inspired cfrp microstructure for improved strain to failure under in-plane compression
T. Garulli , T. Katafiasz , E. Greenhalgh , S. Pinho -
Curing Dependent Piezoresistivity in CNT/epoxy Nanocomposites: from Experimental Observation to Numerical Analysis
T. Wong , T. Yu , F. Zou -
Evaluating the Flexural Performance of Basalt Composite Sandwich Structures for Marine Applications
M. Chairi , J. El Bahaoui , I. Hanafi , F. Favaloro , C. Borsellino , F. Galantini , G. Di Bella -
Effectiveness of nanotechnology treatments in composite aircraft applications
E. Cestino , J. Catapano , F. Galvano , A. Felis , S. Zuccalà , V. Martilla , V. Sapienza , L. Chesta
Chaired by:
Dr. Denis Dalli
(Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)
Low-velocity impact behavior of a hybrid PEEK-PEI multilayer thermoplastic matrix reinforced with carbon fiber
S. Toro , A. Ridruejo , C. González , J. Fernández-Blázquez -
Investigation of Several Impact Angles for Predicting Bird-Strike Damage in a Riveted eVTOL Composite Wing
E. Kayar , G. Abdelal , B. Falzon , Z. Kazancı -
Incorporating the effects of curvature and inclination on composite energy absorption in macroscale crash structure models
D. Dalli , A. Arteiro -
Modelling and Optimization of Natural Fiber Tubular Structures subjected to axial crushing
M. Capretti , G. Del Bianco , V. Giammaria , S. Boria , A. Scattina , G. Belingardi , V. Castorani -
Mechanical Behaviour of Sustainable Sandwich Structures
D. Rizzo , G. Epasto , P. Russo -
Effect of Ply Thickness on Dynamic Damage Progression in Cross-ply Laminates Under Low-velocity Impact
O. Batmaz , D. Coker
Thu, 14/09/2023
18:00 - 20:30
18:00 - 20:30