The technical programme of COMPOSITES 2023 of 4 plenary lectures, 28 technical sessions with 150 oral presentations overall.
The duration of each contributed talk is 20 minutes, whereas Plenary lectures are given 50 minutes. The above times include Q&A.
Each room is furnished with a PC and an LCD projector featuring an HDMI connection. Should speakers wish to utilize their personal PCs, they must ensure they have their own adapter plugs, if required. Speakers are strongly advised to prepare their presentations in both Power Point formats (.pptx and .ppsx), as well as in Portable Document Format (.pdf), and dispatch these materials to eccomascomposites2023@gmail.com at least one day prior to their scheduled presentation—ideally, well before the commencement of the conference. The combined size of the files submitted must not exceed 50 Mb. It is requested that the nomenclature for the files adhere to the following convention: Name_abstractID.ext (for example, Einstein_123.pdf). Delegates who opt to employ their personal USB drives for their presentations are encouraged to seize the coffee breaks as an opportunity to ascertain the functionality of their presentations.
Power sockets and plug converters for electricity:
Power supply in Italy operates at 230V and 50Hz. Electric sockets are type C, type F and type L (see figures below).