An enhanced 3D elastoplastic-damage constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials
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Spurious damage modes in continuum damage mechanics models for fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials based on the effective stress tensor can be generated when large strains occur. A methodology to prevent this spurious phenomenon is developed in the present work. The constitutive model previously developed is used to describe the proposed methodology. The model can predict the inelastic deformation and fracture of FRP materials. The longitudinal damage activation functions are based on the effective stress tensor, however, nominal stresses are used on the transverse damage activation functions. The proposed method can be straightforwardly implemented on previously-developed constitutive models which use effective stress tensor, an explicit implementation of the proposed constitutive model is presented. The enhancement of the predicted failure mechanisms obtained from the present constitutive model, with respect to the models which use effective stress tensor, is demonstrated. The proposed constitutive model presents a good agreement of the predicted failure pattern obtained from open-hole compressive experimental tests, as well as on the predicted failure strength. In addition, numerical-experimental comparison of different tests with different failure mechanisms is carried out to show the capabilities of the proposed model.