Room Aula Magna
Sessions taking place in this room:
Tuesday, 12 September, 2023
Plenary Lectures - Prof. J.N. Reddy and Prof. Emilio Martinez-Pañeda
Chaired by:
Prof. Giuseppe Catalanotti (Kore University Enna , Italy)
Prof. Giuseppe Catalanotti (Kore University Enna , Italy)
Virtual Testing and related themes I
Chaired by:
Prof. Kamran Nikbin (Imperial College London , United Kingdom)
Prof. Kamran Nikbin (Imperial College London , United Kingdom)
Virtual Testing and related themes II
Chaired by:
Dr. Stephanie Miot (IRT Saint Exupery , France) , Prof. Carolina Furtado (University of Porto , Portugal)
Dr. Stephanie Miot (IRT Saint Exupery , France) , Prof. Carolina Furtado (University of Porto , Portugal)
Wednesday, 13 September, 2023
Plenary Lectures - Prof. Laura de Lorenzis and Prof. Frans P. van der Meer
Chaired by:
Prof. Heinz Pettermann (TU Wien , Austria) , Prof. Pedro Camanho (FEUP/INEGI , Portugal)
Prof. Heinz Pettermann (TU Wien , Austria) , Prof. Pedro Camanho (FEUP/INEGI , Portugal)
Virtual Testing and related themes IV
Chaired by:
Prof. Heinz Pettermann (TU Wien , Austria) , Dr. Luiz Kawashita (University of Bristol , United Kingdom)
Prof. Heinz Pettermann (TU Wien , Austria) , Dr. Luiz Kawashita (University of Bristol , United Kingdom)
Thursday, 14 September, 2023
Fracture Mechanics I
Chaired by:
Dr. Bas Tijs (Fokker/GKN Aerospace , Netherlands) , Mr. Andrea Cantarutti (AlphaSTAR , Italy)
Dr. Bas Tijs (Fokker/GKN Aerospace , Netherlands) , Mr. Andrea Cantarutti (AlphaSTAR , Italy)