Continuum Damage Mechanics
Chaired by:
Dr. Federico Danzi (INEGI , Portugal)
Dr. Federico Danzi (INEGI , Portugal)
Scheduled presentations:
Phase-field modeling of temperature, moisture and rate-dependent fracture behavior of polymer nanocomposites at finite deformation
B. Arash*, R. Rolfes -
A finite strain approach to model intralaminar failure mechanisms in fibre-reinforced polymers
I. Rodrigues Lopes*, F. Danzi, A. Arteiro, F. Andrade Pires, P. Camanho -
Damage and plasticity models for 3D printed materials
E. Monaldo*, D. Linardi, S. Marfia -
Predicting material damage with support vector machines: a methodology and comparison of classically and quantum-computed kernels
G. Tosti Balducci*, B. Chen, M. Möller -
An enhanced 3D elastoplastic-damage constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials
I. R. Cózar*, F. Otero, P. Maimí, E. V. González, A. Turon, P. P. Camanho -
Impact damage modelling in composite laminates – numerical implementation of a strain rate dependent damage model
D. Ivančević*, J. Ratković