Virtual Testing and related themes II
Chaired by:
Dr. Stephanie Miot (IRT Saint Exupery , France) , Prof. Carolina Furtado (University of Porto , Portugal)
Dr. Stephanie Miot (IRT Saint Exupery , France) , Prof. Carolina Furtado (University of Porto , Portugal)
Scheduled presentations:
Comparison between Numerical Simulations and Experimental Observations of the Mechanical Effects of Out-of-Plane Waviness Defect Embedded in Composite Laminates under Compression
C. Fougerouse*, M. Hirsekorn, C. Fagiano, F. Laurin, M. Desailloud, M. Herman -
Bearing/Pull-through Failure Envelope of Composite Joints: Novel Experimental Setup and Numerical Validation
C. Furtado*, R. Pinto, A. Volpi, F. Danzi, G. Catalanotti, F. Queirós de Melo, P. Camanho -
Demonstrating the credibility of composite simulation
S. Miot*, L. Barriere, S. Guinard, J. Navarro, A. Chiappini -
Maritime applications of fibre reinforced polymer composites
Z. Ullah*, M. Burhan, S. Millen, T. Scalici, L. Wan, G. Catalanotti, B. Falzon -
Validation of Composite Pressure Vessels Modelling Methodology Using 2D-shell Elements at Coupon Level
M. Bruyneel*, A. Rajaneesh, T. Watanabe, Y. Urushiyama, Y. Tsuchiyama