Fracture Mechanics II
Chaired by:
Prof. Yentl Swolfs (KU Leuven , Belgium)
Prof. Yentl Swolfs (KU Leuven , Belgium)
Scheduled presentations:
Segmentation Tools for Delineating the Profiles of Pulled-out Fibre Bundles in In-Situ Tomograms of Translaminar Fracture of Thin-Ply Composites
S. AhmadvashAghbash*, C. Rojas Gomez, G. Broggi, A. Aydemir, A. Argyropoulos, J. Cugnoni, V. Michaud, M. Mehdikhani, Y. Swolfs -
A 3D Damage Model for Simulating Damage Modes in Fibre Metal Laminates
I. Abuzayed*, N. Wirawan, C. Zhang, J. Curiel Sosa -
Characterising and Predicting Failure of Injection-moulded Short-fibre Composite Subcomponents
Y. Fujita*, S. Noda, J. Takahashi, E. Greenhalgh, S. Pimenta -
Short glass fiber reinforced polymers: a phase-field model for the multiscale analysis of fracture
A. Fajardo Lacave*, F. Welschinger, L. De Lorenzis -
Electro-Mechanical Modelling of Fracture in Carbon Nanotube Based Composites
L. Quinteros*, E. García-Macías, E. Martinez-Pañeda -
Off-axis Strength Predictions for Multidirectional Thin-ply Laminates
A. Mitrou*, A. Arteiro, J. Reinoso, P. Camanho