Fracture Mechanics I
Chaired by:
Dr. Bas Tijs (Fokker/GKN Aerospace , Netherlands) , Mr. Andrea Cantarutti (AlphaSTAR , Italy)
Dr. Bas Tijs (Fokker/GKN Aerospace , Netherlands) , Mr. Andrea Cantarutti (AlphaSTAR , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Measuring Cracks in Welded Thermoplastic Composite Single-lap Shear Joints with Digital Image Correlation
A. Schiller*, C. Bisagni -
Controlling Failure of Carbon-fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Structures via Structural Fuses
E. Kazemi*, V. Medeau, E. Greenhalgh, S. Pimenta, J. Finlayson, S. Pinho -
Conduction Welding the Next-Generation Thermoplastic Composite Fuselage: Fracture Toughness Characterization and Numerical Analysis
B. Tijs*, A. Turon, S. Esteban, C. Bisagni -
Size Scale Effects in Fiber-Reinforced composites using phase field
P. Asur Vijaya Kumar*, A. Dean, H. Pettermann -
Phase Field Fracture Modelling of 3D Printed Materials: an Anisotropic Analysis
S. Sangaletti*, A. Mitrou, I. Garcia Garcia, A. Arteiro