Damage Mechanism Analysis of QI Carbon/Glass Hybrid Laminates Subjected to Quasi-static Indentation Using Axisymmetric Model

  • Chen, An (University of Bristol)
  • Wu, Xun (University of Bristol)
  • Kawashita, Luiz (University of Bristol)
  • Wisnom, Michael (University of Bristol)

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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials is vulnerable to out-of-plane loading such as impact due to lack of through-thickness reinforcement and low strain to failure. The previous work in [1] has shown that, hybrid laminates composed of carbon and glass fibre have superior impact performance to that of CFRP, however, the underlying mechanisms for the improvements are not well understood. In this work, an efficient two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element model was established to simulate the response of the laminates proposed in [1] against quasi-static indentation for the aim of understanding the factors controlling the response as well as the detailed damage mechanisms of the laminates under low-velocity impact. Half of the through-thickness cross section of the laminates that parallel to the fibre direction was constructed in ABAQUS/Explicit. The model was based on two-dimensional solid elements compatible with interface finite elements, which allows to model intralaminar fibre failure and interlaminar delamination, respectively. The benefit of employing axisymmetric model is that the through-thickness stresses obtained from it is particularly effective to be used for the analysis of local events like penetration, thus reducing the high computational cost presented in the state-of-the-art three-dimensional impact modelling. The prediction has shown good agreement with experimental results (Fig.1). The analysis presented the detailed penetration mechanisms and special attention has been given to the interaction between fibre failure and delamination as well as how this controls the impact behaviour of hybrids. Several important material properties that affect the failure process in hybrids were identified, and the influence of these parameters was examined. It is believed that these conclusions can provide valuable guidelines for designing optimal hybrid composites for impact.